7 APs? Yeah, I’m just an existing average student.

Annie Hsu

As the time of course selections roll around, the talk about weighted classes among students rise again.

Tanvi Rao, Ashley Lee, and Suhani Kashyap

As the time to choose the classes for the following year approaches, students at Dougherty Valley High School estimate the number of classes they will take. But unlike other schools, where the recommended amount of weighted classes equals the number of weighted classes students take, the students at DVHS consider the recommended amount of two weighted classes to be almost comical. 

“I just feel like the school administration is underestimating us,” freshman Mohrecla Sehs said. “As a freshman, I think it’s quite limiting as to how many weighted classes we were allowed to take this year.”

Freshmen at Dougherty Valley are permitted to take two weighted classes at the maximum — Honors Chemistry and Honors Precalculus — but as part of an “academically superior” school, students are always looking to go above and beyond.

“Now that I have a wider selection of classes to take for next year, I’m feeling much more secure,” Sehs replies.

Sophomore Jeea Piae also shares the same sentiment, and expresses how she’s planning to take seven periods, six of them being Advanced Placement classes. 

“AP U.S. History, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Calculus BC, AP Studio Art, AP Chemistry, AP Seminar, and Spanish to round out the day,” Piae lists off. “I think it’s a reasonable course load, and people in previous years have handled it just fine,” she reasons.

Additionally, Piae also expresses how taking non-weighted classes can make you look stupid — even if you aren’t — and how her friends all are taking the same number of classes as her. 

“Some of my friends are taking the same amount of classes as me, despite not meeting the requirements,” said Piae. “Other schools think it’s a lot, but once tried, you’d know that it’s not.”

It is common knowledge that DVHS is an academically competitive school — and that getting A’s isn’t something to be proud of, but rather something that is expected. In order for the students to survive such environments, they take more and more weighted classes, and take the slogan, “Traditions in Excellence,” to the next level.

Junior Divist Udent shares how he managed a 5.0 weighted GPA throughout the entire year, and is looking forward to another year of seven AP classes in his senior year. Udent also mentions that he’s the club president of three clubs, vice president of four and secretary of two.

“Honestly, it wasn’t that hard to balance,” Udent said. “Time management wasn’t a problem, obviously, I’m a DV kid. Anyways, I’m just really excited to take seven more APs next year and to put them on my transcript, hopefully with all A’s.”

Udent’s interview pointed out the motivation behind the students’ eagerness for seven APs: transcripts. Evidently, seven AP or Honors classes are something to be considered “normal” or “average” for the majority of the students, and it is something that the students expect of each other. 

“It’s really not a lot,” finishes Sehs. “I can see myself being like everyone else and taking seven APs in future years.”