Early homecoming preparations and class enthusiasm bodes well for the class of 2017

Irene Chang, Editor In Chief

They say the early bird catches the worm, and the senior class seems to have latched onto this phrase in the battle to win homecoming.

The class of 2017 officers had started planning for this year’s homecoming festivities as soon as the class themes were announced in late May.

Yet this is nothing new. The seniors have traditionally started preparing as early as possible, to maximize their chances of winning homecoming. The Auxiliary Gym has already been reserved for the seniors for skit practices until the date of the actual event, a strategy instigated by alumna Rachel Ingram, senior class president of the class of 2016.

Salasha Dixit, senior class Vice President, credits this early homecoming frenzy to one simple reason: competition.

“We want to win,” she said. “We want to have the upper hand. [Over the summer], 20 to 25 people showed up each time to every homecoming workday we had, which is really good considering that it’s summer and many people are out of town.”

Senior class Treasurer Christopher Bried speculates that the class of 2017’s sore and heartbreaking loss to the class of 2018 the year prior may also contribute to the seniors’ sudden fervor.

“A lot has been inspired by the rivalry between the class of 2018 and the class of 2017,” he said. “But I think it’s going to be our best year yet.”

Cancellation of the parade, a major change to homecoming prep this year, will be a great help to the seniors’ goal. Senior class secretary Amy Jung said that without the parade, no floats will be made, so all classes alike can concentrate on the building and the skit.

“We already have the general outline of the building done,” Jung said.

The skit is on its way to completion as well, with a team of seniors including returning rally emcees Mikhail Adlin and Joey Rodriguez finalizing the script and key seniors such as Jessica Ocampo finishing the choreography.

Though seniors have started early, having completed about six homecoming workdays during the summer and the building and skit planning practically finished, other classes are catching up fast.

Bried noted that the underclassmen have not slacked off in homecoming either, with equally quick progress in preparations. He referred to homecoming as an “arms race to finish as soon as possible.”

To Kelsey Kim, senior class President, the competition only makes way for better entertainment come homecoming week.

“[There’s] a lot of competition, but that’s a good thing,” Kim said. “I think [every class] is going to put on a great performance.”

The seniors, in particular, have started off strong due to many factors, among which is that of the officers’ experience. Dixit, Bried and Kim have all been in Leadership for four years and Jung for two. Kim notes that although all the officers except herself have never been in an officer position before, they have all previously worked on homecoming and can therefore “learn from … [past] mistakes and trump the other classes.”

The sudden spike in spirit from the class of 2017 is also the largest, if not most important, factor for the seniors’ early homecoming success. The class was not well- known for its spirit infor school activities prior to senior year. However, during the class competition of August, the senior class racked up 1032 points, almost double the junior runner-ups at 556 points. Evaluated by a combination of the Back to School dance and rally, spirit check-ins, Big Blue Friday and the first football game of the season, the seniors are starting the school year with unprecedented participation.

All four of the senior class officers are pleasantly surprised with the seniors’ newfound energy.

“I don’t know where it came from, [but] the spirit is phenomenal,” Dixit said.

Bried described the transformation of the class as a “glo up,” and Kim noted that it was the seniors’ “time to shine.”

So far, so good for the seniors. All of the officers are confident in homecoming based on senior participation and preparation progress.

“The class of 2017 has definitely picked it up,” Jung said. “It’s going to be L17!”

Winning homecoming overall, of course, is the ultimate goal, but Dixit notes that, “whatever happens, we’ll be happy with the outcome, because we know we did our best.”