DVHS alumni provide advice on senior year transitions

Nikhila Cherukuthota, Staff Writer

High school students can only remain high school students for a limited time before they  venture out to live on their own. Though they might physically depart from school, they continue to cling on to the bittersweet memories of cramming for that math test, cheering on the football team along with the rest of the school, picking their outfit for prom and finally bidding goodbye to the place they called home for four years.

Through the years, they experienced what seemed like a lifetime, they aim for the moon, and do the impossible — all while falling down, only to get right back up.  Everyone has their own path engraved for themselves when they exit school; some travel the world. Others may choose to go to a university, join the army or take over a family-owned business. Wherever they find themselves in the years to come, the memories of Dougherty will find themselves implanted in the back of graduates’ minds.

High school seniors today continue to stress over what the future holds in store for them — what dorm life is going to be like, how to be independent or what to eat on a daily basis without going bankrupt or getting out of shape.

Luckily, a few of the alumni were happy to give their feedback on what they have pursued in their lives after high school.

Arguably, the most stressful stage of senior year is choosing which colleges to apply to. There are innumerable factors that determine where seniors choose to apply: location, tuition, majors, size, acceptance rate and opportunities, to name a few. Though most Dougherty kids tend to prefer University of California schools, a few only apply to out of state schools.

DV alumni Julian Arroyo and Mallory Schneider suggest applying to more schools than fewer to keep options open before deciding which one to choose.

Schneider, a student at University of Alabama, further emphasizes the importance of visiting your top three or four schools before committing to them, to make sure you feel comfortable there.

Also, they feel an overwhelming sense of transitioning into an adult, given all the independence they have. They explain the importance of maintaining a timetable and being extremely responsible when completing tasks since there isn’t an adult to remind or look after you.

Another stressful component seniors fret over is the strenuousness of academic material they may expect to receive at college. While both high school grads believe the teachers  and the material they provide students with are extremely resourceful (they also recommend holding onto some for writing essays), they both suggest not becoming too dependent. Arroyo, a student who commutes from San Ramon to San Francisco State University, explains how teachers don’t seem to care too much about your grades like they do high school, and how classes can be strenuous. He explains how some “classes can last as long as three and half hours but you need to always be aware of what your teacher is saying because any side note can become a random question on an exam”. Schneider expresses how seniors should avoid depending on Schoolloop for their assignments and test scores since it’s difficult to adjust to not having it as a tool in college.

She says, “Everyone should practice writing down your assignments and due dates because it will really help you”.

They also agree on the necessity to schedule your time and organize your routine wisely.

Overall, though, they express that college is more enjoyable since you have more options in terms of choosing classes and participating in extracurriculars.