5 Indications that Fall has Arrived

Andrew Chuang, Sports Editor

It may not seem like fall because of the constant fluctuations of the weather on an hourly basis. The morning temperature is freezing, which makes it seem as if shorts and a t-shirt aren’t an appropriate outfit for the day. But then, for some miraculous reason, the temperature between second period and brunch changes from cold to hot. Suddenly, you’re sweating like crazy without doing anything and your day becomes a hot, miserable mess.

The current weather won’t tell you much about the seasons, because California is in a severe state of drought and this is around the time of the infamous Indian Summer. Fortunately, social media constantly reminds us that fall has arrived. But rather than consulting social media to see what season it is right now, here are some indicators that fall has arrived (especially when you can’t trust the weather).



  • Changing of Leaves


One major indicator that autumn has arrived is when leaves start changing colors. With colors like red and yellow, these gorgeous hues will transform an ordinary neighborhood into a palette of colors. Soon enough, these same leaves that have just fallen from the tree will dot the sidewalk and the sides of the asphalt. When you hear the sound of the leaves crunching beneath you walk to school, this will definitely be a sign that fall has arrived.


  • Pumpkin Flavored Food Items


While some unobservant adolescents may not realize that the leaves are changing color, a normal teenager knows that fall has arrived when they see the words “Pumpkin Spice Latte” on the menu of their favorite beverage store. This is the elixir that keeps adolescents alive during the autumn season. Other than that, there are a lot of food items out there that put the word “pumpkin” on it to transform it into a “fall treat”. From pumpkin flavored granola bars to pumpkin flavored Pop Tarts, you name it, they have it! Last, but not least, the irresistible pumpkin pie is what definitely indicates fall’s arrival.


  • Sweaters (and other fall clothing)


Theoretically speaking, fall is supposed to feel much cooler than summer, but this year in San Ramon, this is not the case. It would have been the time of year where you put away your shorts and t-shirts and start sporting your sweatpants and sweaters to school. Although some people have already begun to do so, others have not, since the weather may be 50 degrees in the morning and suddenly rise up to the high 80s. Luckily, temperatures are assumed to be falling during the course of the next week or two, which means you can start layering your fall outfits below a chic jacket or cardigan.


  • Football & Baseball


Who doesn’t love the feeling of being at a home football game while the evening breeze slowly blows past you? People often say football correlates with fall, and when you hear from your friend that Dougherty crushed the opposing team, you know fall has arrived. As the scorching temperatures slowly drop at night, football is the glue that brings Dougherty Valley together. As blue and white dot the stands at a home football game, the Giants fans (baseball) around town are beginning to wear Giants apparel or orange clothing to cheer the Giants into their playoff games, also known as “Orange October”. Speaking of which, coming up soon is the World Series or Fall Classic, a “Super Bowl” for the baseball world. While people may cradle the light of their television when the games start or watch the games live at the stadium, this is the sign that fall has arrived.

  • Candy & Halloween Spirit Stores

Piles after piles of candy lining the shelves at Safeway must be a sign that fall has arrived because it’s almost Halloween! Depending on whether you buy the candy to eat for yourself or share with your neighbors during trick-or-treating, a sudden abundance of candy must be a sign that Halloween is just around the corner and that it must be fall. Halloween Spirit stores are also appearing all around town. Abandoned storefronts may sometimes be an eyesore, and when fall comes, it will most likely be converted to a Halloween Spirit store. The Spirit store is like an adolescent’s paradise; there are scary and gorgeous costumes for you, and no matter how old you are, there will also be a costume just for you.