Hey You!

October 3, 2014
We have school tomorrow YAYY
too much workkkkk
irene pls
YS is Jesus
Can you guys stop with the “….is something?” It’s getting annoying! P.S JH is the one.
Bruh, you are a hypocrite, why don’t you stop! P.S JH is the bae
JH doesn’t fight chuck norris. Chuck norris fights himself for him
Hey chicken. you let the boat sink. Get it together. They gun find you, and you wil pay
Let’s make this year historic Wildcats!
CAE I know you see me.
J you care more about me than obama care does.
pls jy and jh…
JH ia my Budda
jin is a hawt qtpie
YCS is the bae
JY can you marry me?
JY swag master 98 lvl 3 in voodoo magik. praise.
JH is a hawt qtpie <3
YCS hates bird president
irene is qt
wowie… stars are bright and I’m still doing homework 🙁
Hey You, kid (probably a freshman) who holds the door open at the 3k during 5th to 6th period passing! Learn that in life you can only hold the door for so long, otherwise you will spend the rest of your days holding it for everyone but yourself.
i seriously cant deal with this stress anymore why is dougherty like this
lab station number six
EP has a nice thermos
Hey HM, ur hot and I love you
How can musicians get more famous around Dougherty? (I’m in a band with 3 other friends, 1 who is my brother.)
hey you yahoo answers, thanks for saving my ass in chem <3
I wonder, do you like pizza as much as I do?
do you sleep
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
cindy q is cute 😀
Mikl is ossim possim
HEY YOU MR AND MP YOU GUYS ARE CUTE (can you please put this in the newspaper?)
Hey L, sorry for purposely ignoring you everyday during 2nd period. You’re really intimidating. -A
Hareesh I <3 U
Mickey I <3 U. I did that to your locker out of love.
Anime is a way of life
Taylor, the latte boy, I <3 him, I <3 him, I <3 him.
are you going to put these asks in the newspaper?
SJ, thanks for the locker
Lindsey, the stalker chick, u scare me, u scare me, u scare me.
What’s your favorite anime?
Wanna get 360 no scoped nuub. Get wrecked m8 i’m in da faze cland breh! I’ll wreck your naan m8!!
Anime is love, Anime is life
The Tribune is my favorite newspaper! 😀
hey you sophomore vp please please pleaseeee ask ic out to homecoming!!!
AC, you still owe me cake.
GN don’t drown.
can you imagine if soph vp and p went to hc together lol
Hey you, JK, stop wearing socks with crocs
Hey you, freshman presidential candidate, I’m not a freshman; I’m a senior
Hey you, Ms. Decker you’re awesome
Hey you, juniors, who can’t drive, stay away from the parking lot
Hey you, freshmen, stop annoying us
Hey you, SL, hang in there, it will get better
Hey you, Bane, where’s your trigger?
Hey you, why is the freshman class bigger than the junior and senior class combined?
Hey you, the struggle is real.
Hey you, D.A., why don’t you switch to 4th period?
Hey you, E.C., wowie
Hey you, juniors that sit in front of my locker…move.
Hey you, seniors, your spirit is on point this year.
Hey you, Ryan Gosling, you’re perfect.