Quarantivities & Stories #4: Being an environmentalist during lockdown

Shruthi Narayanan, Arts & Entertainment Editor

Normally, the month of April is the time when environmentalism is at its peak. One of the reasons for this is Earth Day.

Usually the fourth Wednesday in April, Earth Day is the day when climate strikes and protests most often occur. However, with COVID-19 in full bloom this year and people staying home for public safety, the typical in-person advocacy events cannot occur. Among many other ways, here are five things you can do to show your environmentalism and continue to help our only planet while in lockdown.

  1. Write an op-ed: Have a strong opinion about something related to the environment? To raise more awareness about that issue, you can write an editorial and then submit it to any newspapers/websites online accepting submissions, including ours! Doing this is a good way to get your message out to a lot of people at once, and you’ll be able to easily make someone see your side of the issue.
  2. Conserve your water, paper and energy usage: Look at your typical usage of water, paper and energy, and try to reduce it. Take a two-minute shower instead of a 10-minute one, use a hand towel instead of a paper towel, and remember to turn the lights off whenever you leave a room.
  3. Host virtual meetings with other environmentalists: If you miss in person meetings with other people about environmental issues and ways to resolve them, this is a great alternative. You can still do the same things you would in in-person meetings, it would just all be virtual. If you don’t know any other environmentalists, you could try joining one of the many environmental/climate organizations, and meet some there. 
  4. Stop using plastic: Every day approximately 8 million pieces of plastic pollution find their way into the ocean, and plastic consistently makes up 60% to 90% of all marine debris studied. This lockdown period can serve as a great way for you to completely transition away from plastic, as there is less of a need for it. 
  5. Join a climate organization: Even during this lockdown, climate organizations continue to host various virtual environmental events, and they are a great way to connect with other people as passionate about the environment as you are. They are a great way to discuss solutions to pressing environmental issues with other people from the safety of your own home.

This lockdown won’t stop environmentalists from taking action. It might be a roadblock, but there are many ways to continue your environmental advocacy from the comfort of your own homes. So, work to decrease your carbon footprint and help save our planet!