Quarantivities & Stories #1: A stream of consciousness

Daniela Wise-Rojas, Social Media Editor

So it seems like society has become its own dystopian novel; the film “Contagion” come to life. We are all stuck at home, and although this sounds like something counter-productive, when you have a lot of time to think during quarantine, your mind tends to wander, and you learn a lot more about yourself.

These are some of my quarantine thoughts and things I’ve learned about myself (so far, at least), and maybe they can help you reflect.

  1. I don’t handle stress and anxiety very well, but I realized that I had a hard time separating my own actions from things I cannot control. After seeing people still partying and hanging out at beaches on the news, I became enraged but later came to the conclusion that it was pointless. I cannot control who chooses to be ignorant, but I can control myself (by staying home and being in-the-know).
  2. Social interactions are everything. I didn’t think about how many times I interacted with people on a typical school day. It’s essential to check in on your friends and to keep some sort of virtual social life.
  3. I learned which activities truly make me happy. Although the new grading system for this semester (pass/no mark) is a little maddening when you worked really hard third quarter, it provides the opportunity to learn for the sake of learning without worrying about grades. I’ve found myself taking more online classes that interest me and diving into course material fearlessly instead of being bogged down by the stress and peer pressure of a letter grade. I’ve kind of forgotten why I think the way I do, and that’s just because I love learning. I’ve managed to not get bored at all, and maybe this is why. I would encourage you to find things that make you happy and feel fulfilled and dive into that interest.
  4. Hobbies are awesome. Hobbies make me happy. Playing and listening to music engage me. Same for writing and trying to master winged eyeliner. Even cooking sometimes. Remember all the hobbies you have (or maybe have lost) and try to get back in touch with them.
  5. Schedules are nice. I always perceived myself to be a VERY disorganized person until quarantine happened. School gave daily life its own schedule, and I found myself missing that sense of security. Even if you don’t stick to it by every minute, set goals for yourself and try to follow a schedule.
  6. As a journalist and news junkie, I think it’s important to stay informed, but don’t overdo it. Too many negative thoughts cloud your mind and don’t help your mental state.
  7. It’s okay to be sad. You can be both sad and grateful. Sad that the year ended so early, and that things aren’t normal and are difficult to comprehend, but also thankful you are healthy and have the support of friends, families and teachers. There is nothing wrong with that.
  8. There is something I saw on a random Instagram page that I have not been able to get out of my mind. It stated, “Check yourself as much as you check Instagram.” Not only did this make me think about how much I check social media, but how it’s an interesting way to think about self-care. Many times, this flies out the door when I’m stressed, but it’s something to think about.