Women’s JV Soccer Excels in Teamwork for First Win


Pooja Kini, Staff Writer

With a loaded roster and a solid W on the board, this year’s Women’s JV soccer season is in full swing. And as it is in everything life has to offer, with a new season come new goals (see what I did there?), and plenty of excitement for the weeks to come. I had the privilege of interviewing not only the athletes themselves, but head coach Luis Siu as well – and must I say, excitement is an understatement for this team – which is more than ready to kick some grass!

Alright, I think we’ve had enough of the puns, so let’s get to the big idea. This season, the three E’s athletes can’t get off their minds are: Endeavors, Expectations, and clearly, since we’re Wildcats: Excellence. Each player has something they wish to achieve, an idea of what the team can accomplish, and the hope to be the absolute best they can be. Team Captain Michaela Lopez hopes to “not only bring success on the scoreboard, but grow as a team by getting closer to each other with every practice and game”. Sounds like a pretty legitimate goal to me! She looks forward to really increase the team’s chemistry to be as successful on the field as possible.

Every practice calls for hard work – keeping it intense constantly, not just during game time. The girls practice plays, condition themselves to stay in top shape, and scrimmage to put their skills to action. All of this hard work definitely pays off, especially considering their incredible 9-0 win against Arroyo High School in their very first game. Head Coach Luis Siu is delighted with the way his team played, and even more thrilled by the fact that they have a whole season ahead of them to become even better. Such chemistry takes years to develop, and these ladies have achieved it in just three practices.

Part of this may have to do with the cumulative love these athletes have for the sport. To each of them, soccer is much more than just a game. It is a way of life, an opportunity to make lasting relationships, and most importantly crazy fun. Their team is a second family, and playing together only strengthens the bond between them. Activities such as “Secret Sisters” and bonding events like pasta feeds add some more fun to this experience.

All in all, this is about to be a fantastic season for Women’s JV Soccer.