Tricking the Halloween age limit is a treat

Caroline Lobel, Editor in Chief

I believe that high schoolers should be able to trick or treat on Halloween because there isn’t a reason for students to grow up so fast or to feel pressured about growing up.

Trick-or-treating is a fun experience when people can go door-to-door asking for candy on Halloween night. However, this tradition is viewed as childish, which pressures some teens to stop.

Many teens, starting in middle school, already feel “too old” for this event, but there’s no reason for this. Sure, many children go trick-or-treating, but that shouldn’t stop a high schooler from doing so. Take Christmas, for example: you don’t stop receiving presents from family and friends as you get older. Halloween is a holiday for all ages friends and family still gather together to celebrate the spooky festivities each year so age shouldn’t matter in determining whether or not you should trick or treat.

High schoolers who don’t trick or treat are missing out, especially since they are letting a non-existent age limit control their Halloween fun. There is no explicit age limit for when you should stop trick-or-treating, so you shouldn’t let tell yourself that you’re too old for fun.

Some people will argue and say that there’s no point for people who are able to buy candy to be able to trick or treat. I believe that the fun of trick-or-treating lies in the going door-to-door aspect, not in the free candy. And you can’t use money to buy that experience.

Growing up can be hard because responsibilities just keep building up, but that’s no excuse for allowing ourselves to lose our innocence and sense of fun. If you feel “too old,” that’s an even bigger reason to go out and trick or treat because you shouldn’t grow up too fast. I personally love to trick or treat, and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.

People should be able to trick or treat on Halloween regardless of their age. There’s no such thing as being “too old.”