Wrestling finishes 4-1

Wrestling finishes 4-1

Steven Deng, Copy Editor

This season, the DVHS Wrestling team held a record of 4-1 and ranked second in the East Bay Athletic League (EBAL). The team, largely comprised of underclassmen, was led by seniors Jared Osmond and Marko Sanchez.

In particular, the unprecedented victory against California High School was a highlight of the season and allowed Dougherty to win the rival trophy between all San Ramon schools; the AXE.

“The success that we had was even better due to the fact that we beat Cal High school; which, for all intents and purposes, we should have lost to because they had kids that are probably going to place at the NCS individual tournament, but we ended up beating them. We tied in points, but we won in criteria and then we took home the Axe, which is a rival trophy that we have between all San Ramon schools,” Coach Roberto Clemente stated.

This extremely successful season can be largely contributed to the growing diversity within the team.

“The wrestling team did really well this year. We’re really young and we’re really sophomore and freshman heavy. We only had two seniors on the team and we started a brand new girls team and I think, because of those pieces, the success that we had was even better,” Coach Clemente said.

Similarly, sophomore wrestler Kyle Overholtzer described the greater responsibility the freshmen and sophomores had to take up with fewer juniors and seniors on the team this year.

“Last year we had a lot of more seniors and juniors, but now that they’re all gone, the freshman have really stepped up.”

However, it’s also been a challenge for the upperclassmen to act as mentors for the ever-growing team and new wrestlers.

“Because of how young we are, the seniors Jared Osmond and Marko Sanchez have had a tough time kind of taking them under their wings. They’re two guys helping out about 38-40 kids. It’s tough. I think they did a great job.”

Looking forward to the next season, coach Clemente commented,“We’re going to try heavily recruit again with the freshman and hopefully get more guys and girls out.”