Meet up with Ms. Macy


Elisa Fang, S.H., and Kavin Kumaravel

In her first year as a teacher, Jennifer Macy decided to join Dougherty Valley’s staff, teaching Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 — multiplying the fun at Dougherty.

Like many others, whose interests become apparent throughout their career as a student, Macy was inspired to become a teacher as far back as seventh grade. Growing up in Concord, Calif., she attended Carondelet High School; during her junior year, she decided on teaching math, after considering physics or chemistry.

At Sonoma State University, Macy gained her credentials in math, as well as a minor in astronomy.

After completing her higher education, she sought to try out her newly acquired skills by acting as a student teacher in Santa Rosa.

With familial ties to the San Ramon Valley School District (SRVUSD), Macy reviewed her cousins’ overwhelmingly positive experience here, and decided to debut her teaching career at  DVHS.

“Hearing about how everyone [in the district] is so supportive and willing to grow … as a new teacher, that’s great to hear because you want those support systems,” Macy explains. “You’re kind of coming into something so brand new that finding that support and hearing about all the collaboration was amazing.”

Although the first year as a teacher has provided her many obstacles, Macy faces each challenge with passion and rigor.

“I like that everyone challenges each other, and that we challenge each other to learn so much, grow from each other and try to introduce different things. I learned so many things from the students,” Macy reflects. “We all push each other to be better.”

But Macy’s passions don’t end at her career. In her spare time, she enjoys curling up to read the occasional romance novel by Nicholas Sparks or indulging in a Disney movie. Macy’s more adventurous side takes her to the great outdoors, and she recalls her experiences in Yosemite as most memorable.

“Yosemite is a place I always enjoy, and it’s one that presents many activities. My family does [a trip]… up towards Bear Valley so that one is year-long, and it’s right down near a lake. There’s kayaking and hiking. That one’s great because we’re right by the water,” Macy says.

The journey doesn’t stop there for Macy, who hopes to travel to Europe to sightsee and visit her relatives.

But no matter where she goes, it seems her heart always comes back to her students.

She states, “I mostly hope that class can be fun; or that I try to build a personal relationship, connecting. Not just ‘you’re here for math’ and having those conversations.”