SRVUSD welcomes the Bella Vista elementary Trail Blazers

Skyler Spears, Photography Editor & Multimedia Editor

San Ramon has a new addition to its school district. Bella Vista opened in August of this year and introduced a variety of new programs, which are successfully drawing students from all over the district.

Bella Vista has two-story classroom buildings, a library, state of the art technology, and an on-site child care facility. But what makes the school really unique is its attached ‘makerspace’.

“A makerspace is where we will have students complete some of their project launch work. It is a room that is 925 sq. ft, which houses everything from low tech stuff such as sewing, glue sticks, etc. to higher tech such as when we borrowed a 3D printer. Students come in with a challenge then create. It also address the listening and speaking common core standards,” explains Bella Vista Principal Barb Mallon.

This unique space was introduced  as part of Project Launch. Project Launch is the elementary-level branch of Project Lead The Way, an initiative designed for high schools. Project Lead The Way is a program that aims to tap into kids’ explorative nature and to engage them in a learning experience that feels like play. Along with the makerspace, Project Launch brought in new programs such as ATP, which is an academic talent program for gifted students. This program currently houses two fourth grade classes and one fifth grade class, as well as Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Special Day classes, which go from kindergarten to 5th grade.

Another unique feature of Bella Vista is its name and mascot.

Mrs. Mallon, the principal explained how the name came to be. “People sent in ideas. Bella Vista actually means beautiful view,” Mallon said. “We are the Bella Vista Trail Blazers, we wanted to give students a vision or inspiration of what a Trailblazer was so our formal mascot is a compass with Innovation where the N is.”

Bella Vista is San Ramon Valley Unified School District’s 36th school. It was brought in to help alleviate overcrowding in the other Dougherty Valley elementary schools. 534 students are currently enrolled, and its maximum capacity is 830 students. The school has brought students in from all over. Some will remain in the area and go on to the local middle schools and high schools, including Dougherty Valley Other students will return to other nearby districts.

“Bella Vista was designed with innovation in mind,” their website states. “With students learning these innovative concepts at such a young age, we are sure to have future generations of inquisitive and curious kids. Maybe all of us should take some of these ideas to mind and try to live by the schools quote “Do not follow where the path may lead; Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”.