The Burkini Ban Has Been Banned?

Musa Tariq, Staff Writer

The Burkini ban that was put into place in Nice, France back during late August has been overturned by judges from Nice’s administrative court.

This ban which took place in over 30 French towns including Nice, where the recent July Bastille Day attacks occurred in which 86 people were killed, has caused much controversy and heated debate around the world.

The decision to overturn the ban in Nice was a result of French courts’ ruling that mayors in some major towns such Cannes had no legal means to impose such a ban. The bans in the other towns have currently been facing similar challenges in court. The Collective Against Islamophobia, (a human rights activist group) have been helping women affected by the ban fight against the ruling. They maintain that the ban is discriminatory and demeaning and that there has been no evidence to say that wearing a burkini has caused any public harm or such.

Defense of this ban, however, has come from officials that say many people in Nice were extremely disturbed and traumatized by the attack and that intentionally wearing clothing that represents or implies religious beliefs may be seen as or assumed to be correlating with radicalism. Nice authorities also said that the ban had only been put into effect during the summer of 2016 in the aftermath of the violent truck attack that occurred in the city.

Twenty-two out of the 30 French towns who enacted the ban are still upholding it despite of the recent court rulings, including Cannes and Villeneuve-Loubet.