Dutch Dentist mutilates hundreds of patients

Shawn Jiang, Staff Writer

A Dutch dentist by the name of Jacobus van Nierop is on trial for alleged mutilation of more than a hundred patients. If convicted, Nierop faces assault and fraud charges resulting in up to 10 years in prison and a possible $165,000 fine (Agence France-Presse). Van Nierop argued in defense of his actions that “psychological issues” may have inspired him to commit his alleged crimes (BBC).

Stationed in the remote French village of Chateau-Chinon, Van Nierop was initially welcomed as a dental practitioner in a town that had “been without a dental care provider for two years” (NPR). Delighted with the prospect of having a local dentist to go to instead of having to go out of town for a check-up, most residents chose to take Van Nierop up on his services. Van Nierop was initially very well-received by the indigenous townspeople, and was described as “hard-working” and “larger-than-life”, never seen without his “big 4×4, big dog and big cigar” (BBC) However, the charismatic dentist ultimately proved to be quite lethal, with his exploits earning the moniker of “the dentist of horror.”

Victims of Van Nierop are understandably puzzled as to why Nierop would commit such gratuitous acts of mutilation.

“Even now I can’t eat properly; I drool,” a victim said of her initial encounter with Van Nierop. “I just want him to admit he’s responsible”(BFM). Another alleged elderly male victim said that the dentist left “pieces of flesh hanging everywhere” after removing a tooth(Agence France-Presse).

Before the start of Van Nierop’s trial, he fled from France to a small town in the Canadian province of New Brunswick, before being detained under an international warrant (AP).

Mr. Van Nierop has been detained in France for over 18 months, and awaits a trial regarding his fate.