Student of Interest: Carolyn Lee

Student of Interest: Carolyn Lee

Scott Olvera, Staff Writer

This issue’s Student of Interest is senior Carolyn Lee, a hardworking student who has put a huge effort into her dreams and goals. Also, as Senior Class President, Lee has worked hard in softball, academics and in the leadership field. Because of all her hard work, she has been accepted to Stanford for the class of 2019. I interviewed Lee asking a few questions about some of her favorite things in high school.

Q: What accomplishments are you most proud of during your high school career?

A: Being a new student sophomore year, I think I am most proud of how I adapted to the new school, especially not knowing anybody when I first came to Dougherty.

Q: What are your hopes and expectations regarding college?

A: I hope that college will help me branch out and explore new things that I have yet to try. Although moving away from home seems scary now, I am excited to become more independent.

Q: What has been your favorite high school memory this year?

A: I think my favorite high school memory this year would have to be senior broomball and just seeing everybody slipping and sliding around and having a good time.

Q: How do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

A: In the next 10 years, I see myself hopefully as an engineer in the industry working with lots of different people and getting to experience various projects.

Q: What has been the most challenging thing you have done in high school?

A: The most challenging thing that I have had to do in high school is balance my schoolwork and sports.  While I love sports, I know that school comes first, so I had to make sure that I didn’t let my schoolwork suffer from my involvement in extracurriculars.