Blue Pearl jazzes up Dougherty
February 6, 2015
As the night set in and the neighborhoods grew quiet, the lights and music blared from the Commons as the third annual band-hosted dance, Blue Pearl, went into full swing.
Entering the Commons, the room was transformed into a dance floor in a very Gatsby-esque style.
The lights were hung from the ceiling in a pseudo-chandelier, and Jazz Band was lit by a backdrop of strung lights.
On either side of the room, a line of tables with band students mixing beverages awaited customers. Photo flashes appeared every now and then from the back wall as students posed for pictures.
The Jazz Band played a variety of swing and jazz music standards. They also added a little variety with some more current pop hits.
Blue Pearl saw its largest attendance since its first year, and all attendees had generally the same opinion.
“I like it a lot better than the other dances,” one junior claimed.
“It’s very nice,” senior Garrison Wong confirmed, “It’s very elegant. I loved how they advertised this.”
“It’s a good place to relax and it’s right after finals,” junior Dhroovaa Khannan explained.
Sophomore Andrew Cho elaborated, “I like how they serve drinks and the music’s good.”
Some of the students who helped host the dance had some say in the matter as well.
Senior Alex Yamada, who oversaw the entire dance, proclaimed, “A lot of people showed up. The decorations worked out great. The music is fantastic; a lot of people are really happy with this dance.”
Senior H.Y. added, “I expected it to be slightly dull, but I’ve been talking to a lot of girls. I’m having the time of my life.”
It seems that everyone was pleasantly surprised by the spirit of the dance.
As with all good things, there is always an end. As the balloons and confetti littered the floor and students tore down the lights and decorations, Blue Pearl once again was a ravishing success.
There is no doubt that students will be once again cordially invited to Blue Pearl next year.