Assassins Creed Unity Comparison: Ubisoft creates a new beginning or end?

Tristan Pongrujaporn, Staff Writer

Ubisoft has completely overhauled the lovable gameplay system of “Assassin’s Creed” into a cluster of worthless data.

Every few years Ubisoft delivers an addition to their hit game series: Assassin’s Creed, pushing their fanbase levels off the charts, but their most recent release: Assassin’s Creed Unity (ACU) is not living up to all the hype that they put up for it. Many gaming critics like IGN and Metacritic gave Assassin’s Creed Unity a lower score than most of its predecessors due to the incredible amount of glitches, frame drops and its new combat overhaul.

One of the major problems ACU has is the glitches within the game which are straight up unbearable because they frustrate the player and ruin the experience. There are multiple bugs that are featured with this next-gen game release: a revamped parkour system that constantly puts you onto objects that you don’t want to climb while also making it ridiculously hard to get off of said object, a glitch in the controlled descent feature where your character can clip through the floor into an endless fall and the crowd system that gets in the way of everything in the game. The game is set during the French Revolutionary period (late 1700s), but apparently soldiers can fire their single shot pistols within five seconds and finally, the stealth and detection system within this game is broken beyond all repair.

Adding to the problems of this game, there are ridiculous frame drops that occur while playing ACU on console. For those who do not know, frame rate within games basically mean everything, otherwise the player might as well have bought a stop-motion game for $60. With Ubisoft’s boasted amazing crowd system with an interactive AI system in the crowds that stand before the guillotines and in the streets and housing districts lower the frame rate drastically. The character you play as knows parkour and moves at a fast speed, which will require the game to work your console harder, lowering the frame rate as it stands. But add in a ridiculously oversized crowd and you might as well say goodbye to your frames.

To top it all off, there is the combat system that completely ruins the traditional gameplay that players have grown accustomed to from the past installments. The system still sticks to the lock-on and strafe combat style, but the camera angles make it impossible most of the time to see if your enemy is attacking you or not. The countering system has changed as well. Now, there are three possible ways to counter your foes: perfect parry, quick parry and dodge rolling. Most of the time, when fighting the higher ranked enemies, your only choice of defense is to quick parry, which leaves you vulnerable to many attacks. Lastly, the only way to counter against gunfire in the past games was to use another target as a human shield, but in ACU, Ubisoft decided to throw that out of the window. The only possible way to avoid an instant death from a pistol or rifle is to do a dodge roll, leaving you open to everything else that could cause you harm.

In the past releases of Assassin’s Creed 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 3 and Black Flag (4), the ratings were quite high. With all the hype from the incredible cinematic trailer of ACU featuring Lorde’s rendition of “Everybody Wants To Rule The World”, fans thought that the game would have turned out to be incredible, but they were let down with a game that turned out to be worse than the cinematic trailer. Maybe if Ubisoft didn’t spend time creating two Assassin’s Creed titles at once, then ACU would’ve turned out far better. It is definitely safe to say that ACU will be heading into the category of “games with better cinematic trailers”, much like Dead Island.

Ubisoft’s big idea for this next-gen release was to revamp the game system to accommodate the more skilled players, but instead, they ended up releasing a game that was not worth the $60.