Mental health problems rise

Rachel Laventure, Staff Writer

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 25% of teens are suffering from anxiety, 11.2% have major depression and 2.4% have agoraphobia. Although over 4 million children and adolescents suffer from a serious mental disorder, only 20% are identified and receive the services they need.

These numbers have been on the rise as schools place pressure for good scores and students begin to worry about college applications and their future.

Instead of taking time to deal with these mental health issues, students tend to place them on the back burner because schoolwork and other tasks take priority.

But mental health is one of the most important things to keep in balance in times of stress; without proper care to one’s well-being, functioning in a working environment can become very difficult.  Here are some tips for when you feel that your mental health may be at risk:

  1. Ask to see a therapist. If you are having trouble with anxiety or feel depressed for mass amounts of time, seeing a therapist can help you through these issues. Talking about it in an one-on-one environment is proven to help relieve stress and anxiety. It is common for teens to see therapists. One in eight adolescents receive counseling for behavior or emotional problems, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH).
  2. Talk to a school counselor. If you feel uncomfortable asking your parents to see a therapist or feel like you don’t need to see one on a regular basis, the academic counselors are here to help. Stop by their office if you’re having a bad day to talk about solutions to the problem, and if you need more assistance, you may be recommended the student support counselor for weekly meetings. The counselors are here to help; according to Mrs. Sellers, “It starts here.”
  3. Talk to your teachers. Have a large workload that’s overwhelming you? Tell your teachers and try to work out a plan with them. Your well-being is a number one priority and if you need some extra time, talk about it with your teachers.
  4. Call a helpline. Sometimes, all you want to do is vent at someone who will listen and reaffirm you, and a helpline is just the place. Most of the time they are toll-free and come at no cost to you, and it’s the perfect way to get everything out without it hurting anyone’s feelings.
  5. Take some time for yourself. Life can be overwhelming, and sometimes we are so busy focusing on everything else, we tend to forget to take care of ourselves. Go for a walk with your headphones, watch your favorite movie, bake cupcakes or just do something you love. Try to take at least 15 minutes out of your day for yourself. You’ll be surprised at how much stress seems to melt away.

And don’t forget: your counselors are here to help you at any time.