Rock out at these upcoming local concerts
November 7, 2014
Maybe I’m the only one — and if that’s the case, please excuse my pretentious sentiments — but I assume that we, the students of Dougherty Valley, don’t have much of a life outside of our 4.4 GPAs and the five AP classes that we took on this year. If that’s the case, then what are we really doing over the weekend, other than keeping up with the immense workload that’s been brought upon us?
Excuse the generalization if that doesn’t apply to you. Who knows? Maybe you have a very active social life and have somehow managed to balance everything; kudos to you. But, if you’re anything like me, things slip through the cracks, and more often than not, you don’t keep an internal itinerary of all the concerts that come through the area.
It’s common knowledge that we live extremely close to an immensely popular and heavily-visited city. That being said, it makes sense as to why so many artists come to San Francisco, as well as other surrounding cities, to perform. Keeping track of all the performers who come through is a hassle, not to mention you often find out about the band or singer after they’ve performed and/or the tickets prices have skyrocketed. Below is a list of upcoming concerts that perhaps you’ll find to your liking, as well as why you should go to a few of them. Mark your calendars, put off the homework, find a ride and go have fun.
As a disclaimer, the prices I’ve listed below will most likely vary depending on when and where you buy the tickets. I also have nothing against other genres of music but sadly not many (country, rock or rap) artists are coming to town in November so find a new band to listen to.
My opinions on some of these bands are exactly that: my opinions. You are, of course, going to have your own views on some of these artists — and that’s fair, but I have reasons of my own as to why you should go to a few of these concerts. Those few being: The 1975 and Justin Timberlake.
I’ll start with The 1975. They are a new alternative band from England whose first album was released this time last year. If you like what they call ethereal-indie rock then you’re going to love them. They are interesting, not something you hear on the radio everyday, and that’s refreshing. They are much different from the (bad) boy bands of this generation (not that I’d ever describe them as a being a ‘boy band’ because of the connotation that accompanies that word). Their music has substance, the lyrics hold meaning and they are amazing and genuinely authentic. The 1975 is a relatively new band in regards to the fact that they are not at the caliber of some of the more influential bands. Not that they don’t have the potential to get there, but they are new, and their fan base is still greatly expanding. Look them up and listen to their album called “The 1975” as well as their many EPs. I can promise you it will be a concert worth seeing and I will most definitely see you there.
Justin Timberlake will be here again, as he is still on his 20/20 Experience World Tour. Enough said, right? He’s amazing. We all know it, and luckily for all of us, he’s coming back to town. There is not much I can say to raise Justin Timberlake from the level he’s already at, or give you any more reasons to go to the concert that you don’t already know yourself. Save up, is what I’d suggest, since his tickets are pretty expensive, and buy early. We know his concert is going to be amazing, really amazing.
Foster The People Saturday November 8th 8:oo p.m. Fox Theatre (Oakland) $80+
The 1975 Tuesday November 18th 7:30 p.m. NHMA (San Fran.)$65-222
Capital Cities Wednesday November 19th Fox Theatre (Oakland) $57-225
Cold War Kids Friday November 21st 8:00 p.m. Fox Theatre (Oakland) $51-335
London Grammer Saturday November 29th Fox Theatre (Oakland) $57-199
Justin Timberlake Saturday November 22nd 8:oo p.m. Oracle Arena(San Fran) $77-4845
Bastille Monday November 17th 8:oo p.m. BGCA (San Fran)