DVHS To Host Free City-Sponsored Event
February 28, 2014
On Friday, March 21, the City of San Ramon Teen Council in collaboration with the National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse (NCAPDA) will present the free community education event Behind the Orange Curtain. It will take place here at the Dougherty Valley Performing Arts Center from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Following a viewing of the award winning documentary, which addresses the reality and impacts of prescription drug abuse in suburban America, a panel discussion lead by several prominent speakers will be held.
Behind the Orange Curtain exposes the shocking problem of teenage prescription drug abuse in the one of our country’s richest counties, Orange County. When many think of Orange County, California, they think of gated communities and opulent mansions on beautiful golden beaches where privileged kids are born with silver spoons in their mouths. Originating from the cold war phrase “behind the Iron Curtain,” the term “behind the Orange Curtain” is used by people from southern California to portray the “OC” as a place where its residents know nothing of what is going on in the rest of the world and only focus on themselves and their local affairs. The film’s intent is to expose the staggering numbers of OC teens dying from overdosing on illegally acquired prescription drugs. It also seeks to explain why this is happening by examining how peer pressure, a drug pushing pharmaceutical industry and the “dirty doctor system” play a role in this epidemic.
According to the film’s informational website, behindtheorangecurtain.net: “Behind the Orange Curtain is a wakeup call for parents. This is a very real epidemic that crosses all boundaries. It does not discriminate. It does not matter if you live on Park Avenue or the park bench. Using prescription drugs for anything other than their intended use can have serious life threatening consequences. The documentary was conceived by producer Natalie Costa after her daughter lost a childhood friend at the age of 17 from an overdose of Opana. Costa has been screening the film to schools, church groups, hospitals and gatherings locally and across the country in order to bring awareness to this epidemic. The film has won several festival awards including the Newport Beach Filmmaker’s Award, and “The Best Documentary Feature” at the 2012 Metropolitan Film Festival in NYC.”
The city is encouraging everyone interested in attending this free event to register by visiting: www.SanRamonRecGuide.com – Act# 91229. However, registration will also be available at the door.