The official student news site of Dougherty Valley High School.

The Wildcat Tribune

The official student news site of Dougherty Valley High School.

The Wildcat Tribune

The official student news site of Dougherty Valley High School.

The Wildcat Tribune

DVHS Track and Field athletes motivate each other during EBAL preparations

Abby Kapur
DVHS track and field athletes remain excited as they work hard towards their championships.

  Coming out of a successful track and field season in 2023, DVHS athletes have set the stage to build upon their success for the 2024 season. While setting school records, many athletes saw significant progression while demonstrating resilience and sportsmanship. This strong performance has fostered a successful working environment while the team gets ready for the upcoming EBAL Championships. 

  The East Bay Athletic League is one of the most competitive athletic conferences in Northern California that leads up to NCS. Last year, DVHS track and field showed hard work and dedication, earning them a spot in the CIF North Coast Championships. This accomplishment set a high standard for the team, motivating them to push even harder in the upcoming season.

  Track and field athletes at DVHS emphasize the importance of positive reinforcement and encouragement. As they train together, they offer advice on techniques, share tips on form and celebrate each other’s accomplishments. 

  Sophomore athlete Mahika Reddy said, “One of the most prevalent messages my coaches have is just making sure to finish each race strong and leaving it all on the track.”

  Through their experiences on the team, DVHS athletes learn valuable lessons that go beyond the field. Athletes understand the importance of discipline, resilience and perseverance, which are critical in their journey to succeed. These lessons translate into their everyday lives, helping them navigate challenges and build a strong work ethic.

  DVHS sophomore Abhin Ravipati stated, “He reminds me that hard work always pays off and to make sure that I’m always the best version of myself when I’m on the track.” 

  The connections built among DVHS track and field teammates extend far beyond the track and field. These bonds not only contribute to the team’s success, but also serve as a foundation for lifelong friendships. The lessons learned from supporting one another and working together towards common goals are invaluable, providing the athletes with a strong support network as they move forward in life. These meaningful relationships and the spirit of teamwork carry over into their futures.

  “While track is an individual sport, we all care for each other and want to make sure that everyone reaches their full potential. Having those connections allows us all to have motivation to improve ourselves,” junior athlete Aditya Unni said.

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About the Contributors
Sanjana Malapati
Sanjana Malapati, Public Relations Manager
Sanjana joined the Tribune so that she could explore her interests as a writer while working with others. She is a part time writer for a speech and debate company and recently founded a nonprofit where high schoolers all over the U.S. are welcome to write articles, post research, and make graphic visuals regarding STEAM on an online database. Sanjana’s goal in journalism this year is to write a sports piece or profile that highlights the unique achievements of someone or something they have done. In her free time, she likes to binge-watch Netflix and is currently on season 11 of Grey’s Anatomy. If Sanjana could be any other person on the Tribune she would be Janisha because she’s Mr. Bathke’s favorite freshman.
Visalakshi Arunachalam
Visalakshi Arunachalam, Staff Writer
Visala joined the Wildcat Tribune because her brother had taken this class and said she might like it too. Then she figured out she really liked it and wanted to continue. Her goal for this year is to get better at interviewing and to get a little more out of her comfort zone. An interesting fact about Visala is that she has been doing dance for almost 11 years. If she could be any other person on the tribune she would be Kayal because Visala wants to have her wavy hair.
Abby Kapur
Abby Kapur, Sports Editor
Abby joined the Wildcat Tribune on a whim and stayed for the wonderful people she found. Her goal for this year is to leave the sports section better than it used to be. In her free time, Abby loves to run with her team, get coffee with her friends, and bake with her sister. A fun fact about Abby is that she has watched her favorite movie, Knives Out, at least seven times. If Abby could be anybody on the Tribune, she'd be Luna (past Tribune member), because of the unique, attentive way she sees the world.

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