Track and field team throws Color Run fundraiser

Abby Kapur, Sports Editor

  • Participants celebrate finishing the race with a group powder toss.

  • Volunteers throw powder at the runners at various points in the course.

  • A boy empties the rest of his powder on his brother’s head.

  • Two friends sprint through the finish line, ending the race together.

  • Senior Ananya Shaligram, juniors Adrian Antonelli, Annia McCormick and Jahnvi Khannan pose with sophomores Rachel Mathews and Shalini Rajkumar.

  • Sophomore James Wang is dunked in blue powder in a light hearted color toss.

  • The remnants of the group powder toss disperse in the air.

  • Participants, including team members, siblings and other family members, celebrate in a group photo after the run.

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The Dougherty Valley track and field team hosted the first-ever Wildcat Color Fun Run on Sunday, April 30. The Color Run raised funds for the track and field program and brought together families and team members. Team captains led participants in a warm up before they started running or walking the 1.5 mile course, which ended with a group color toss. 

The fundraiser benefitted the track and field team, which will compete at the East Bay Athletic League Championships this weekend on May 5 and 6.