Sarah Stadermann

“The community connection is what gives choral pieces their backbone and makes them engaging and human.“

Sarah Stadermann: I originally picked choir because that was the thing I had the most experience with. 

I don’t have terribly much experience as a solo musician. I guess I play piano a lot, but it’s different compared to choral music inherently, already. I guess it’s kind of obvious, but the ensemble music there is the factor of having more people which allows for the opportunity to create more ‘voices’, like harmonies or different melodies or things like that, and that provides more chance for it to be interactive music, rather than having one person sitting and performing. I guess you could also call my one year of flute in elementary school an “experience”, but I hated it and I don’t remember anything. 

The most crucial aspect of choir to me is the intent, emotion, and energy. In my opinion listening to a bunch of partygoers yelling pop song lyrics at the top of their lungs is much more enjoyable than sitting through a pitch-perfect but emotionless choral performance. The community connection is what gives choral pieces their backbone and makes them engaging and human. 

This year being section leader hasn’t been so clear-cut, but mostly I just help the other people in my section with learning the part, or fixing small details that are mistaken, or, because we break off into sectionals to learn our individual parts, so I will manage that, and sit at the piano, and play the part.

I think music is just like a form of expression and communication. Music can express any emotion that the writer or performer desires. Like with other forms of art, something that is special about music is that every person might interpret it or perceive it in a different way. You could say that it expresses a complex communication that is sometimes not available through simpler means. 

In the future, I might join community choirs as well, and maybe I will make some music by myself. I definitely recommend choir to younger students, especially if you feel a bit lonely or anxious or struggle to speak up. It is a great way to find a community that will support you and give you the courage to be bolder in your pursuits. 

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