Humans of DV: Week 3
Aria Khalique, Vivian Kuang, Daniela Wise-Rojas, and Megan Dhillon
This week on Humans of DV: a spelling bee champion, a percussionist, a boba aficionado and a cross-country runner. Stay tuned every Saturday for a new installation of this feature and make sure to catch last week’s profiles here if you missed them.

“I love finding new words to describe everyday things.”
Shrinidi Gopal “I started going to spelling bees in third grade, but I never really did well until fifth grade because I wasn’t really as serious about it. When I started placing first in local competitions, that’s how I knew I had the ability to do well. I got seventh in the national spelling bee in 2017. My family and friends motivated me. but mainly it was me telling myself that I could do...

“It’s been a process of always pushing myself to be better.”
Ginger Lau “I’m in a drum corps group called the Blue Devils and I’m also in a group called Tri-City Percussion. I’ve always just been really passionate about music and I also really wanted to march, but there isn’t something available at Dougherty to do that, so I found an opportunity outside [of school] and I’ve been doing it ever since. It shows me a lot about the world because going to...

“To my younger self: ‘Why do you like boba so much?'”
Stephanie Swee “You know how at those Vietnamese restaurants, they have smoothies and stuff? My dad introduced those to me; everytime I go to a Vietnamese restaurant, I would order those. When my brother started having T4, [I asked him,] 'Hey, can I get some of those? Because they look so good!' I got the smoothies at first, then when T4 opened in San Ramon [near Safeway], I was like 'Oh, it’s...

“Getting to choose my own ‘clown shoes’ … I felt amazing.”
Jackson Colla “I was going to do water polo with my friends but then I learned that it’s a varsity sport, and I had no experience. So on the day of tryouts, I just decided to skip it. The next day my dad was disappointed so he told me to try out for another sport. I tried out for cross-country but I don’t think the coach was expecting anything from me at first. But then I made the team on ...
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