The Tribune discusses politics: How much are we obligated to care?
Karen Wang and Pranav Chillappagari

Politics? Sorry, not interested.
In today’s world, whether at school, in your office or at family gatherings, the topic of politics might be at the center of discussion. While your arguments might be of interest to many in your environment, there are always a few people that have no interest in politics, or, to an extent, dislike the very thought of it. They are referred to as being “apolitical.” Whether they are too busy t...
Politics? Yes, please.
Politics is messy. Constant reports and speculations of corruption give politics the unique ability to displease and discourage just about everyone. But, seeing that politics is a mess doesn’t fix it. In other words, knowing that politics are currently ineffective can’t change the fact that politics shape the framework of our country or the fact that the laws that govern our everyday actions...
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