Eshna Kulshreshtha
“I’m trying to make sure conversations about the environment keep going”
Eshna Kulshreshtha: “I honestly don’t know exactly how I got into environmentalism. I think I first got interested in freshman year… that was the first time I heard about the UN report and it was just crazy to me that we had such limited time to reverse something that no one was talking much about… I learned so much about what individuals could do on their own, in their own homes and that’s what really got my attention. I realized that maybe I couldn’t do all the protests… [but] somewhere I could help was with educating people like me or people who might not have resources on what they could change in their own lives and homes that could accumulate and actually end up making such a huge impact. I put together [the play] Trial and Error, and… now I’m a youth leader in [nonprofit] Rewire. I’m the recently elected Director of Education and Outreach for… a marine biology course I took this summer, Our Perspective. Environmental issues and how they affect the ocean and its organisms are something I want to study on the more scientific side. I want to [study] Marine Biology and Environmental Sciences, because the overlap between those is where my passion lays.”